Behind the Cabin Door October 2023: “A life of holiness is not a rules check list of “I can do this, but I can’t do that. There is so much more!..."


While studying and listening to many, many messages on Circuit Riders, God has highlighted a couple of key Spiritual Father Circuit Riders, still living today. They have impacted and encourage my life with Jesus. I have listened to their words God has showed them, have received the same word for my life, and have applied it! I am so grateful for all my Spiritual Fathers and Spiritual Mothers. One Spiritual Father God has highlighted in our generation is a young man named Seth Yates. God has given him many gifts, one being worship. His songs have opened up Heaven and have released God’s healing, power, and love over our generation. Thank you for saying yes to Jesus and allowing God to use you in such a way that you shake the gates of hell! “Be Holy for I am Holy.” 1 Peter 1:16.

“Holiness is fighting to stay close with God. Fighting to stay close to His heart and staying away from sin that separates us from God. Holiness is being free to serve Jesus without carrying the weight of sin.”
                 -Young Circuit Riders

A life with Jesus is not supposed to be a rules check list of “I can do this, but I can’t do that”. I want to encourage you right now, from living a “christian” life mindset that way for years, a life with Jesus shouldn’t look like that. A life with Jesus is love!
 A love walk with Him everyday wanting to please Him. And as life happens, asking the question to yourself, while also searching your heart…“Will this or does this please God’s heart?” If Jesus is living in your heart YOU ARE NOT A SINNER! You will sin at times but your identity should not be labeled as “I am a sinner”. The truth of God’s Word is this, “I am saved by grace! And there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus!” (Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 8:1) Do not call yourself a sinner that always messes up and will never change and do not refer to your children as “sinners” if they have prayed the prayer of salvation! Declare the Word of God over yourself and over your children then move on with Jesus!
“If it does not look like Heaven it’s not in Heaven.”