Behind the Cabin Door March 2023: " You and your family can escape the noise through His Word..."

Our family has been in a series about learning how to hear God's voice. Because we all live in two words, the natural and spirit, there are a LOT of voices! In fact, voices or sounds of all kinds, bombard our lives, thoughts, and emotions. It can be very easy to listen to them all and get lost in the noise. There is a hope and escape from the noise! His name is Jesus! He is with you and always speaking and leading His people in a still small voice I Kings 19:11-13.

I want to encourage you today friend to follow with me as I read, study, and pray and declare God's Word! Let's begin by hearing His voice straight from His Word! This is my personal study and thoughts from life and  how I have taught my kids to study in a simple yet powerful way! I am going through verse by verse and have bolded the verses and have put my study and thoughts underneath. Your study could truly be endless but I pray this will help you get started as you lead your family closer to God's heart and hearing His voice!

Psalm 23 CEB 

1The Lord is my shepherd.
    I lack nothing.

Shepherd: A person who takes care of sheep. - guide and direct in a particular direction.
I am also reminded of John 10:27, "My sheep hear my voice, I know them, and they follow me."
We are His! He takes care of us!
We have everything we need! Everything for ourself, our family, our work place! We lack no good thing also found in Psalm 34:10!

He lets me rest in grassy meadows;
    he leads me to restful waters;

He leads His sheep, His people, to the best of the land! He leads us in gassy meadows where it is soft to lie on and feel refreshed! He doesn't lead us to rocky, thorny, just dirt or sand ground but to the best land!
He leads us to restful, quiet, peaceful, and gentle waters where we will also be refreshed with a drink. It's not a loud, overbearing, rushing waterfall but a restful water so His people can be replenished! 
        3 he keeps me alive.
He guides me in proper paths

    for the sake of his good name.

He is a good shepherd! A good leader! I think of a new mom who always needs to feed their new baby. They feed them to keep them alive, growing, and strong! That is our shepherd with us ! He keeps us alive, replenishes our body and spirit and He loves doing that! That is His job!
He guides us the best place, at the best time! I am reminded of Deuteronomy 31:8 , "I will never leave you or forsake you." He stays with us and shows us which way to go, we are NEVER alone!
JEHOVAH RAAH (yeh-ho-vah' raw' ah) The word raah is derived from the word ro eh meaning “shepherd” in Hebrew. Translated it carries the idea of a shepherd's tender and life-giving care for his flock. 
He is Jehovah Raah! One of the many names He has and loves to hear from His people!

Even when I walk through the darkest valley,
    I fear no danger because you are with me.
Your rod and your staff—
    they protect me.

We do not have to be afraid! We never have to live in fear that we are going the wrong way or doing the wrong thing! Even when everything around us looks like death, He leads us with His rod and staff! I am also reminded of Psalm 91!  He is there to protect us! Theses are His promises for His people, His sheep! 

You set a table for me
    right in front of my enemies.
You bathe my head in oil;
    my cup is so full it spills over!

Because we obey Him He blesses us! When we might see others who have hurt us with their actions or words, It is our shepherd that sets a table for us and washes our head with oil. He refreshes our mind and our thinking! He reminds us of His promises! We are refreshed and complete in His Word and then we have more than enough to give away! We don't just live to survive  life but we can live with the blessings and LOVE of our shepherd!
Yes, goodness and faithful love
    will pursue me all the days of my life,
    and I will live in the Lord’s house

    as long as I live.
These words are ours! This is a promise for us because we follow our shepherd! We can declare these words through our obedience to Him when we may "see" things differently in the natural world. 
Pursue: follow (someone or something) in order to catch... I think of how a man pursues his bride to be! He chases after her with his attention, gifts, his time, his money, and his love! How much more does God pursue and chase us!
Goodness and faithful love, His faithful love follows us every day!
We can believe and declare we can and will live in the presence of God today and as long as we live!

Prayer/ Declaration: "You, Lord are our shepherd! We lack nothing! Thank you for leading us to the best land and fresh waters! You give life to our bodies and spirit and are leading in guiding us because that is who you are! When there are dark times and we walk through the valley, You are always with us! We will not be afraid! We are never alone! Your rod and your staff protects us! You set a table for us right in front of our enemies! You anoint our heads with oil! We are covered, complete, and refreshed by your love! We have more than enough to give away! We are never in lack of any good thing! We declare goodness and your faithful love pursues us all the days of our lives! Open our natural eyes more to see your love!  We declare we will live in the Lord's house, in Your presence, close to Your heart as long as we live! Amen!