Behind the Cabin Door June 2024: “I found God's Treasure, but I hesitated at first...”

This month my kids and I focused on our on treasure hunts!
We weren’t looking for buried treasure but we went searching for people! We simply asked God to show us where to go, what the person looked like, and what God wanted to say to them! God led us and we all had so much fun!
My treasure was a man wearing white shoes, a hat, and had a dark skin tone. God didn’t show me a specific place to go but I felt like I would run into him and that God wanted me to share the truth from His Word over the lies he has been thinking about himself that has stopped him in his walk with God. I also had a dream I met this met, James, that worked for a company that works with wires, and God brought me to a building just to speak the Word of God over him.
I prayed for this treasure prepared myself, and was excited to meet him!!!
During the week, on one of my visits to Publix, I saw a man fitting my description! I wasn't sure at first because he didn't have a company name on his shirt or hat but my spirit jumped inside and I knew I had to meet him! I went up to him and told him who I was and how I prayed and what God showed me about him. He was very interested and looked intently at my treasure hunt map.. He said he has a relationship with God, goes to church, but has had thoughts about being a failure… I encouraged him with the Word of God and asked if I could pray for him. I held his hand and prayed what God gave me. My prayer was powerful! I felt God take over and lead me in every word straight from His heart! During the prayer he let out a sigh or kind of a groan that was almost like a sigh of relief of healing or just a reaction of being deeply touched by God! I felt God so strong and asked how he felt? He said, "I feel real good!"
I encouraged him a little more and gave him a contact if he ever wanted to meet up again with myself and husband and then I left.

This was a simple way of putting action with my faith! I hesitated at first because he didn't have every little thing I wrote down or the name James from my dream but God still had a message of His love for him! And again. treasure hunts are exercises to sharper you! Don't stop because you have many things written down but not all. Listen to the Holy Spirit and be led by Him! The more you go exploring with God the greater you will become!

I encourage you today friend to do the same!!! Watch what God will do through you!