Behind the Cabin Door August 2023: “I told God yes! I would write Young Circuit Riders! Grabbing my notebook and pen I was ready but He had something more for me.”


 My family and I had just gotten back from Georgia. That special place where God met with me in the woods and commissioned me to write Young Circuit Riders (Can read more of our trip to Georgia in the back of Young Circuit Riders). He shown me a vision, which I discover later would be the cover, and I grabbed my notebook and pen. I was so excited to begin this project and began to write a couple of details down. Later that day, I took my children to the park. We were meeting with my mom to celebrate my daughter’s birthday, July 24th! My mom brought out a couple of small gifts, which my daughter loved, but then she brought out a bigger, longer rectangular gift that was all wrapped up extra nice. My mom looked at me and said, “Someone dropped this off to me today and told me it was for you to help you write your book.” Tears began to stream down my face as I opened to find a brand new laptop computer! Only God knew what I needed!!! I was content with my notebook and pen but God had more for me than I expected!
 I want to encourage you today to say yes to Jesus and the tasks or desires He has given you. Start with what you have! Anything you have, everything you can use! When you say yes and put action with your faith that kind of response grabs God’s attention. Action pleases Him and His heart. Even if all you have is a notebook and pen, say yes, obey, and watch Him bless you!