Behind the Cabin Door December 2023: “Evangelizing is contagious and addictive! Just say yes to Jesus, obey, and watch what He does through you!”


“Evangelizing is contagious and addictive! Just say yes to Jesus, obey, and watch what He does through you!”

Circuit Rider School 2012 truly changed my life! My life has never been the same since! It did not happen the way you might be thinking… At one session leaders separated us into small groups of eight to ten people in each group. In this room were probably eight to ten groups. There were many of us! They told us to gather in a circle and in the circle was one chair. They told us that we were going to exercise evangelism! Each person was to take turns, stand on the chair, and in two minutes share their testimony and how Jesus came into their live! The leaders also said that if anyone on the chair felt nervous or seemed scared to speak, to just stop. The rest of the team surrounding them were to lay hands on them, pray in the spirit and pray over them out loud, and knock that spirit of resistance off! I will never forget it! This girl stood up so excited at first then while up there seemed to choke! The team went to prayer and that spirit fell off of her in a moments time! It literally dropped! Her world had changed too! After most of us had a turn we went out to the streets to evangelize! That day was marked in the book of Heaven along with all the names of people who were saved!
Here is what changed my life! This group nameless and faceless leaders who were chosen that day to be there encouraged all of us to speak! They never forced us, told us we had to or had to leave. They just simply encouraged us to share the story of what God has done in our lives. To this day, because of that encouragement, I have not stopped sharing the Good News!
“Evangelizing is contagious and addictive! Just say yes to Jesus, obey, and watch what He does through you!"