Behind the Cabin Door 2021 6: “I encourage you hare the Good News today! Watch God use you and Watch how addictive sharing Jesus becomes! This generation needs Jesus that is inside of you!”
Young Circuit Riders Camps have been a blast! Here are highlights from Young Circuit Riders Camp 3! Encouraging children to live with an unoffendable heart! What does offendable mean: Insult mean to cause hurt feelings or deep resentment. Did Jesus ever feel hurt or offended? Matthew 26:62-67 What should we do when this happens to us? 1 John 4:7-12 and I Corinthians 13:4-8 Life with Jesus on earth will never be perfect but we are never alone! He has a specific plan and purpose for every life. For His children, He gives us a commission to GO! We are His SENT ones to make disciples, baptize them, teach them to obey His Word, and His promise is that He is with us always! In our last circuit we talked about sharing the Good News! My favorite!!! In the past, I personally have made sharing the gospel harder than it really is!... “What do I say?" What if I can’t answer a question?” What if I say something wrong?” “What will people say or how will they react?”... The answer to all these questions is simply Jesus! When you say yes to Jesus who is alive, and living in you, and when you start to speaking He will speak through you everything you need to say! You are never alone and when you open your mouth and believe that simple truth of Jesus you will see Him at work in your life and in in the persons life you are speaking to! Most of the time before I speak I still get nervous and at times can begin to doubt or question myself, but I take a breath and say YES in my heart. I remember the promise I made to Him, that desire to live life with, and I begin to speak. EVERYTIME God takes over and I honestly feel Him leading me with every word I say! The majority of the time while “we/ Jesus and I” are speaking we are looking into the eyes of a person who is so thankful that I stopped and took the time to tell them that Jesus loves them and has a plan and purpose for their life! In times when I see a changed face, God reminds me, “This is what I have created you to do. Thank you for saying yes and speaking to my lost lamb.” Why did I mention having an unoffendale heart earlier? Because there will be times when you will be rejected for sharing His name and the enemy will try and use that fear to stop you. Only a few times has a person rejected what I had to share with them. I then am reminded that I live with an unoffendable heart just like His and that we both live to please the Father. My heart breaks for them not because they offended or hurt my feelings but they said no to Jesus. I stop right there and in that moment I pray that God will continue to minister to their heart. I pray they will have a change of heart and say yes to Jesus! They will never be the same! He can and will change their life just like He changed mine! I encourage you to share the Good News today! Share your testimony and pray with someone. Watch God use you and Watch how addictive sharing Jesus becomes! This generation needs Jesus that is inside of you! |